Getting Started!

Created: 25 October 2024, 18:54:46 UTC
Last updated: 31 October 2024, 16:56:19 UTC

Getting started

There certainly is a bunch, let's break it down!

Making an account

Easy enough! Linking your account to your Toyhouse will automatically put your owned Pasemi under your username!*
* As long as the ownership is up to date, and your Pasemi is officially on the Masterlist.

You can customize your profile by going to the Settings tab.
Descriptions and user profiles will have to remain appropriate!
That's your account set up!

What's new?

This is where you'll be informed of current events going on, as well as any important updates!
Any new News posts will be announced and linked to in the Faevel Discord, but you'll always know there is a new News post if
the News icon lights up! In similar vein, the Sales tab will light up whenever a new Sale post is made!


Prompts will come and go as we progress through the ARPG! There will, however, be mainstay prompts that are
available at all times to complete, unlike time-limited prompts.
Completing these prompts will earn you varying rewards, however will always grant you currency!

The currency of this world is called Leaflets.
They are redeemable for different items in the store, which also cycles out monthly!
You may earn additional Leaflets by offering commissions, too!

Need a Pasemi to use?

You'll be able to freely participate in prompts with NPC Pasemi, or ask other users to use theirs!
If you wish to practice drawing Pasemi, you're welcome to use NPCs, ask in the Discord for volunteers, or browse the masterlist for
Pasemi that allow gift art being made. Hovering over the colored icons will give you more information regarding the Pasemis
gift art / writing availability and trade / sale status!


How do I get my own Pasemi?

Sure, using others' characters is neat.. but let's talk about your own!
There are plenty of ways to obtain your own Pasemi. Namely, these include the following:
Trading with or purchasing from another user
Entering raffles and prompts
Purchasing a MYO slot in the shop using on-site currency
Purchasing a Pasemi or MYO slot during official sales

Regardless of which you go for, the MYO slot or Pasemi should always have an official masterlist entry on the site.
Please double check when trading or purchasing with other users that the Pasemi is official and owned by who you're talking to!


Here are some links to get you started!

Submitting a MYO or Redesign | How to Transfer | Pasemi Anatomy Guide