
Created: 24 October 2024, 20:42:33 UTC
Last updated: 27 October 2024, 03:02:31 UTC
This page will expand with more information over time!


Pasemi [Pah-semie] are spirits born from magically charged seeds, created by the great Lumin tree.
Their purpose is to tend to, upkeep and guard gardens, forests and sacred places!

Each Pasemi has a special flora it corresponds to-- that grows on it's body and is part of it!
All Pasemi have natural water magic that they use to help the flora they wish to protect thrive--
a garden watered by a Pasemi will grow larger, faster, and more lush!

Pasemi live within communities surrounding Lumin, small towns and villages built using both natural resources as well as
energy sourced by the tree-- their style of living ranges from rural to urban, to futuristic, even!
Faevel's regions progress at different speeds, which allows for a varied amount of ways to live.


As mentioned previously, Pasemi are commonly social creatures-- this does not always apply, of course.
Some Pasemi appreciate being on their own more, and as such will live in secluded, self-built homes outside of commutes and cities.
They engage through different means, depending entirely on their relationship to one another.

Family and friends commonly greet each other by bumping horns,
acquaintances leave it at a slight bow, implying the above gesture.
When it comes to a significant other, a greeting of choice can be touching snouts, intertwining tails,
or less commonly, exchanging a single petal -- which is a gesture also used to initiate a deeper relationship.
A step-up of the above would be a Pasemi handing their partner a bouquet made of their own growth,
which symbolizes a strong bond and trust toward the other; if reciprocated, the proposed to Pasemi will
create a bouquet of their own, exchanging it with their partner's.

To move into the opposite direction, a Pasemi with a particularly strong dislike for another may pluck the
other's growth as a sign of superiority, or simply to let them know they should refrain from crossing paths.
If such a feeling is mutual, the two Pasemi may actively seek to cross paths just for the sake of
inconveniencing the other; the scent of their flora will become distinct, changing for just the two individuals.
A rival's or enemies' scent may turn pungent, or cause a variety of emotions; it is completely unique to each individual.

The Lumin Tree

Various mysteries surround this tree, nobody knowing it's exact origin or when it started sprouting; it had always existed.
The tree and its roots have a calming effect to those surrounded by them-- that is, as long as they're being exposed to overground.
Deep tunnels run underground, through the maze of roots and vines; where one is easily lost if not careful.
Due to this, the tree's underground structures are not accessible by normal means, and it is both discouraged and prohibited to access such.
Exposure to the tree's powerful, mysterious energy underground causes individuals to be drained of their energy instead,
making it very likely to suffer unfortunate and severe side effects, all the way to possible death, if exposed for too long.

As such, the tree is enjoyed with care and mindfulness regarding its power; allowing for a
symbiotically beneficial relationship between Pasemi and the tree.
Every year, a celebration is held in it's honor called Festival of Flora.


Pasemi are omnivores by nature-- some favoring a carnivorous or piscivorous diet as to honor the surrounding fauna.
This excludes Pasemi that grow fruit of their own, which they can consume without any harm or repercussions.
It is rare for a Pasemi to share fruit growing off its body with a stranger, but not unheard of; the gesture usually
reserved for those close to them, such as friends, partner/s, family.


All life begins at the foot of the Lumin tree; once a mana seed has fallen off its branches and hit the energized soil surrounding it,
it'll begin the first growth stage of a Pasemi-- usually lasting a few weeks before emergence.
Upon emergence, the Pasemi will start into it's newly started life.
Commonly, a Pasemi's lifespan will end once all it's mana is depleted and they cannot regenerate it.
In human years, Pasemi will often reach an age in the 100-150s, though there have been exceptions and extended spans in the past.


The world of Faevel contains a vast amount of biomes-- all sectioned in their own regions, surrounding Lumin.
All regions are supplied thoroughly with mana by the tree's roots, stemming from the middle of the world.
Each of these regions is inhabitable, hosting its own, unique flora, and many sub-regions.

Lush Meadow 
The most common type of biome, surrounding the region closest to the Lumin tree.
The most peaceful biome there is, full of friendly creatures.

Dense Forest
A rather quiet region, full of mystical energy concentrated by the trees carrying Lumin's mana.
You might encounter strange, less friendly creatures here.

Tons of mountain peaks, perfect for those who enjoy having an overview!
The creatures in this area tend to be calm, enjoying the breezes.

Ice Peaks
The icy winds of this region leaves many unaccustomed Pasemi toughing out the weather.
The creatures found here are quite approachable and friendly!

Rocky Coast
A true dream for those who enjoy waters and fishing!
The only creatures found here live within the depths of the waters.

By far the most dangerous of biomes, riddled with strange, aggressive creatures.
It is advised to stray far from this biome.

Found in the furthest region, a lonely biome with a complete lack of creatures.. or is it?
Pasemi that travel this far have remarkable ambition-- and usually reason to come here.