Pasemi Anatomy Guide

Created: 27 October 2024, 02:58:32 UTC
Last updated: 16 November 2024, 21:32:09 UTC

Basic anatomy



Despite being quite diverse, these aspects always need to be present in a Pasemi. They cannot be omitted!

Pasemi require:
  •  At least 1 Horn
  • Flora Growth
  • Large legs and bendy arms
  • 3 fingers + thumb and 4 toes





Every Pasemi's basic blueprint! They can deviate in shape quite a bit, but certain aspects always remain the same throughout.
Pasemi sizes vary, the smallest they can be being 80 cm (2'7"ft) and tallest 400 cm (13'2"ft)!

Do's and Don'ts

A small rundown on details that are commonly missed or forgotten!



✔️ Any type of Teeth and Tongue!

✔️ Any Blood Color!

✔️ A Pasemi should always have thicker back legs and a horn! Arms may be thick as long as the legs are not slim!




❌ No nostrils!

❌ Eyes can have any pattern but cannot be drippy!

❌ Backlegs should not be thin nor should the Pasemi be missing its horn. Pasemi do not have nostrils!

Standard Abilities

Pasemi have, by default, a small set of standard abilities that aid them in day-to-day life.

Object Phasing                                             Water Magic                                     Water Warping

Object Phasing - Pasemi have the ability to toggle their tangibility, allowing them to phase through objects and solids at will. This ability is limited, however, meaning the Pasemi will have to take breaks and cannot infinitely phase without becoming sick. They can not turn invisible.

Water Magic - Water is a fundamental part of Pasemi anatomy, and as such, they have mastered the manipulation of such! Pasemi can create small amounts of water, as well as manipulate and bend a pool's worth of water at a time. Small, simple clouds may be formed to help water flora. Just like with Phasing, a Pasemi will still need breaks if they are using up too much water or magic.

Water Warping - The ability to connect to a nearby water source, the Pasemi dives through one end to reach out the other. This ability is limited in its useage, and if used too often in succession, will make the Pasemi travel sick. Water Warping connects Pasemi from all around together, as once a common link has been established, the warp will be available until it is broken. A link must exist between two sources in order to warp between them. This is achieved by infusing both sources with the Pasemi's respective water magic.


By default, Pasemi possess a limited amount of water magic. This magic is used for a variety of things, but most commonly to both communicate as well as water their respective surroundings!