
Multiple Growths

Multiple Growths (Rare)

Category: Growth

Multiple types of flora grows on the Pasemi.

Multicolor Growth

Multicolor Growth (Common)

Category: Growth

The Pasemis growth may have different colors and patterns throughout.


Infestation (Seasonal)

Category: Growth

The Pasemi's growth becomes unstable, to the point where every touch causes its magic to spread. Any and all growth present on the Pasemi may be applied to anything they are able to touch, including other living beings.

Common Growth

Common Growth (Common)

Category: Growth

The most common type of growth a Pasemi can possess.
The following falls under the common type of growth:
[ Flowers |  Petals | Cacti | Succulents | Leafs | Sprouts ]
The growth may not bear fruit.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Mushroom Growth

Mushroom Growth (Uncommon)

Category: Growth

The Pasemis growth resembles mushrooms. They may differ in shape and size throughout the design.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Viny Growth

Viny Growth (Uncommon)

Category: Growth

The growth appears vine-like and dangles loosely, or is attached to the Pasemi like roots.  Additional growth may grow on top oft it.
The following falls under Viny Growth:
[Vines | Roots ]
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Wooden Growth

Wooden Growth (Uncommon)

Category: Growth

The Pasemis growth is in part of fully made out of wood.
The following falls under Wooden Growth:
Bushes | Branches | Sticks | Trees
The growth may not bear fruit.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Fruit Growth

Fruit Growth (Rare)

Category: Growth

The Pasemi grows Fruit of some form. The fruit is edible, and may give minor, non-lasting effects of choice upon consumption.
The following falls under Fruit Growth:
[ Fruit | Vegetables ]
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Carnivorous Growth

Carnivorous Growth (Rare)

Category: Growth

The growth resembles a carnivorous plant in some way. The plants are not sentient, and may act based on a Pasemis mood or will.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Object Growth

Object Growth (Sacred)

Category: Growth

The growth is replaced in part or full by an object, or shares traits of such. The object must still act similar to the growth it replaces.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Elemental Growth

Elemental Growth (Sacred)

Category: Growth

The growth has fully adapted an elemental nature, and reflects such. It may fluctuate slightly in shape,  but should not shift between different types of growths.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Animate Growth

Animate Growth (Sacred)

Category: Growth

The growth is in some way or shape animate, and may act and move independently from the Pasemi, or be controlled through the Pasemis will.  It is able to be used like an additional limb if desired. The growth may continue to be controlled for a limited time even if removed from the body.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

Aquatic Growth

Aquatic Growth (Uncommon)

Category: Growth

The growth is of aquatic origin.
The following falls under Aquatic Growth:
[ Corals | Sponges | Anemones ]
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.

13 results found.