Elemental Growth (Sacred)
The growth has fully adapted an elemental nature, and reflects such. It may fluctuate slightly in shape, but should not shift between different types of growths.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.
Animate Growth (Sacred)
The growth is in some way or shape animate, and may act and move independently from the Pasemi, or be controlled through the Pasemis will. It is able to be used like an additional limb if desired. The growth may continue to be controlled for a limited time even if removed from the body.
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.
Aquatic Growth (Uncommon)
The growth is of aquatic origin.
The following falls under Aquatic Growth:
[ Corals | Sponges | Anemones ]
Only one type of growth may be present on a Pasemi, unless the Multiple Growths trait is utilized.
Holed Ears (Common)
The ears have holes throughout them. The shape and size as well as the amount may fully vary.
Multiple Ears (Uncommon)
The Pasemi has more than a single set of ears. The amount is limitless, and the ear sets do not have to match in shape or design.
Round Ears (Uncommon)
The ears are round, short and stubby. They may be furless or furred, and vary in shape.
Split Ears (Uncommon)
The ears split throughout, and branch into different sections. Ears may be split multiple times.
Colorshift (Rare)
The Pasemi has multiple color palettes or shifts colors in some way. There is no limit to palettes, though they must all be present on the reference when submitted.
Petal Burst (Common)
Petals of the Pasemis growth float alongside it, carried by traces of mana in the air.